
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nearing the Second Trimester...

Only a week and a half until I hit the second trimester. Woohoo!

Theoretically this means the nausea will be completely gone any time now. In any case, it hardly bothers me at all right now.  And headaches? Those have become more infrequent now, too.

The big, big problem is... Drumroll, please...

Fatigue. As in EXTREME fatigue. I sleep--not kidding--something between twelve and eighteen hours each day. I often get twelve hours of sleep at night and then I take a four hour nap in the afternoon, and heck, I might even have a second nap sometime.

This whole shebang is reminiscent of when I had uber thyroid problems in college. The thing is, I'm relatively confident I'm not low thyroid right now. If anything, I'm nearing hyperthyroidism right now. And if that's true, I shudder to think how tired I'd be if I were truly hypothyroid. Ugh. Theoretically, I'm supposed to go get my blood drawn for my monthly thyroid function tests. Problem is, I'm so tired that I haven't managed to roll out of bed and go.

James has been home for the last week or so break for "spring break" (i.e. reading "Words of Radiance" and playing the new Diablo III expansion...), so I've been all right. It's been fabulous. He and Amelia will hang out, and then I can snore myself to high heavens without worrying about Amelia getting into massive trouble.

However... he says "spring break" is over. As in, "I should really start being responsible and doing my job again". So, he's going back to work/school/whatchamacallit tomorrow.

I have no idea how I'm going to manage.

Let's see. Is there anything else interesting? Uhhh... I don't know. Oh, I brought a box of cookies for my class of eight-year-olds on Sunday, and I put it, along with all my stuff in my classroom during sacrament meeting. And the doom! I walk in afterward and find three-quarters of the cookies gone! Dooooooom! We have a cookie thief... And I totally let the pregnancy hormones take over and I burst into tears...

Anyway, that's about it. Just general tiredness and doomage and such.

Love and all that mooshy, squooshy stuff,
Jenna and Baby Delta

P.S. Can you tell which movie I just watched a few days ago?

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