
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Oh Yeah, I Have a Blog

Hello folks, I'm still not missing the Internet all that much, but boy, do I miss you. Do you miss me? (I think maybe Facebook misses me. It keeps deciding I simply do not get enough updates anymore despite my hard work to minimize what I see.)

Amelia is walking, for real. At a schmooze-with-other-mathematicians-and-physicists party James, Amelia, and I just attended, she totally walked all over the place. Toddle, toddle, toddle. She also tried really hard to uproot the ADT sign in the yard. She guzzled apple cider (the opaque kind). And she climbed a cat tower.

My life is not all that interesting, but I suppose I'll have to come up with SOMETHING I can tell you. Hmm.

Oh, yeah. I've been reading so many books! Since I last blogged, I have devoured the following:
  • Mistborn, by Brandon Sanderson
  • The Eye of the World, by Robert Jordan
  • The Great Hunt, by Robert Jordan
  • The Dragon Reborn, by Robert Jordan
  • Men at Arms, by Terry Pratchett
  • Soul Music, by Terry Pratchett
  • Interesting Times, by Terry Pratchett
  • Maskerade, by Terry Pratchett
  • The Source of Magic, by Piers Anthony
And I am 8.8% of the way through Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett. And I have Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson on the shelf ready to be read by osmosis under my pillow tonight.

Huh. Only nine done since last time? For shame! Actually, that's not bad, considering how many pages some of those books have, and how much time Amelia eats like a supermassive black hole. (Oooh, good song. Sing it, yo.) Oh, and did I mention the child has an evil tendency to run up, slam my book shut, and scream like a mini female Tarzan baby? She does. She can't keep her hands off my books. First word in both Serbian and English was book, too.

I've noticed though, that when she points to things on the covers of the books, it is most often blurbs of text, like the title, or the author, or Tor Fantasy, or "New York Times Bestseller", or "sequel to such and such", or even "OMG, so awesome--The New York Times". I sometimes wonder if she is trying to figure out how to read, and then I decide, naw, that couldn't possibly be it. And then I remember my mother telling me I started reading when I was two.

I don't think I realized that was impressive until I imagined Amelia that old. And now I am twitching thinking that it might actually be remotely possible that she will begin reading books aloud to me sometime between 24 and 36 months. It makes my jaw drop through the floor, the basement, and halfway through Earth's crust. I actually find myself hoping my mother was exaggerating, because I think that'd scare me a little bit. Almost as much as it would make puff to twice my size with motherly pride. (And we don't want that to happen, now do we?)

Oh, oh, oh! Good news for Mommy the Me!

Amelia kind of suddenly started nursing less AND falling asleep without nursing, almost all the time. Yaaay! It just kind of happened without us doing much differently. She is also suddenly accepting more solid foods at the same time, but I think that is because she decided to, and not because I've been offering her an elephant to eat everyday. I realize most babies have already passed through the less nursing and more solids transition by now, but apparently Amelia's biological clock had it scheduled for fourteen months. Well, not complaining now.

Amelia hearts grapes. And raspberries. And blackberries. And popcorn. And fruit snacks. And honey nut Cheerios. And almond butter and jelly sandwiches. And chili. And zucchini soup. And Swiss chard lentil soup. And pizza. And chicken nuggets.

She does not heart cow's milk. Or soymilk. Or almondmilk. Or coconutmilk. She tried each one once, and now won't even touch them. Apparently it's breastmilk or bust. (Oh hey, pun! That wasn't even on purpose.) She does drink water though... for which I am thankful. I don't like being Amelia's only source of fluids. Though I suppose today she guzzled apple cider, but I think that will be a special occasion thing. It made her so excited that her eyes went wonky.

I believe that's all I can think to prattle on about.

Love and wonkytizing apple cider,


  1. Just a thought on fluids. Have you tried majorly watered down milk or juice, or using the blender to make your own fruit juices since she seems to like fruit so much? I was thinking about it while watching all the little Korean kids running around here, and they all like the banana milk, fruit juice (I think it tastes like water with a hint of flavor), and rice milk. Otherwise... good on ya! Sounds like the Dilts family's doing well :)

  2. No...I don't think mom was exaggerating about your reading at age two. We would walk around our apartment complex parking lot ...or any parking lot, and together we would read out the license plate on every car we would pass. I remember for example "A, T, G, Cactus, 3, 4, 6". There was a picture of a cacti/cactus on every plate. You could read all the license plates. Fun times. First day of kindergarten you were selected to read a book in front of the class for story time to show the rest of the class that they could read early too.
