
Saturday, November 2, 2013


I wish I could tell you that James and I have been super exciting for Halloween and such, but the fact is, we have not. We did not celebrate Halloween at all. We didn't dress up or go trick-or-treating, and no one knocked on our door. Oh well. We figured it was all right to ignore Halloween this year as we may never get to do so ever again.

I am worried to report, however, that Amelia may be a diva in potentia. I couldn't tell you where she inherited her diva-ty, as I was sure I'd distilled every ounce of diva out of my genetic code and, well, James didn't teach her how to diva.

Nevertheless, the signs are there. Take, for instance, her innate sense of dramatic timing. Need a maniacal laugh? Sounds of evil plotting? Incredulous laughter? Indignant exclamation? Amelia will provide it and you won't even need to ask. She's that good.

Next, I have detected a certain love of clothing and fashion. Every dish towel is a chic scarf. She digs through our laundry in search of flamboyant zebra-print panties to wear on her head, and is often found raving in loud tones about some clothing item or whatever. She was too pleased about her new penguin pajamas that we got at Costco last night.

(What does she do with all of mom's flamboyant underclothing? Why, dance, of course! I swear it looks like she's warming up for a dance performance.)

And, of course, she's a charmer. Oh, how she loves the boys. There is no doubt about it--she flirts shamelessly. And no one can resist her wiles.

Now, here's where it gets interesting.

The fact that it is her destiny to be an epic nerd woman is written all over her future. She never bangs me on the head with toys demanding for me to entertain her rather than rest; it is invariably a book that she stubbornly carried across the house to demand me to read to her. This happens something like twenty to forty times a day.

And then, if it wasn't obvious, she is my child... and James' child. She already has a nearly scientific approach to life.

Thus, we have reached the conclusion that she is doomed to be trailed by a swarm of nerd men until she is married (early in life). There will be so much doom.

Other than this revelation about my daughter's perilous future, I have been... stressed. And hormonal. Unfortunately, shortly after learning of the existence of a Baby Beta, I learned that Baby Beta had already met his or her demise. My poor body has been overreacting to this event, and I have felt... well, frankly... bloody (and) evil. Downright grumpy and mean. Quite unbalanced in every way. So I could use some prayers and good vibes and things. I am eagerly anticipating a return to my normal hormonal state.

Love and feather boas,


  1. Yay! Congrats on your pregnancy :) I hope it's not quite as miserable as next time :(

  2. Time to see a doctor about your anxiously uncontrollable body symptoms.
