
Friday, April 20, 2012


My unfortunate news is that I still do not have Zofran. I really think these prior authorization things annoy everybody, including the workers at the insurance companies. I've been throwing up every day again... although strangely enough, I am otherwise feeling pretty good. Productive, like.

So, those of you who know me pretty well know that I sleep a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. I often sleep anywhere from 10-18 hours like it's no big deal.

But now there is this strange phenomenon. I'll lay down in bed and instead of thinking "Zzzzzz" I think, "I should read something. Or I could clean that. That doesn't smell very good. Maybe I could write a really long post about names. Or maybe I'll think about science instead of sleep." So... now I'm sleeping 6-8 hours a day. And during the day I'm wide awake and alert and stuff.

I'm wondering if this is another mysterious side effect of pregnancy. Dr. Google hasn't verified this idea though, because no matter what my search terms are, I only find TIRED pregnant women on the Internets.

My other theory is that maybe, for the first time ever, I'm not depressed or hypothyroid. I'm on the highest dose of Armour Thyroid I've ever been on. It was increased back when I was vomiting all the time and could hardly keep it down, so now that I'm actually retaining all the ground-up pig thyroids I'm swallowing, I have this strange energy spike. Besides waking up feeling awake and staying alert all day, I don't have any other symptoms that might be caused by hyperthyroidism, so I've come to a shocking conclusion...

This might just be normal for me. And the whole hypersomnia and chronic fatigue might have just been a combination of depression and hypothyroidism the whole time. After my prayers of gratitude, I started whining. So how come this didn't happen in college, huh? I needed that energy badly. If I was sleeping only 6-12 hours nightly instead of 12-18 hours back in college, I can only imagine how much awesomer I could have been. I'm sure my GPA would have been at least 0.10 higher. And I might have been able to work lots and make moneys. And maybe even make more friends. Waaaat!? It did occur to me that this is precisely why that didn't happen. 'Cuz if I had been so cool in college, I would have been too awesome for my own good.

Well,  I sure hope this energy level thing isn't just a fluke of second trimester pregnancy and will disappear as I get huger and never return even years after delivery... I'm a little anxious that my theories are totally and completely false. I am so keeping my fingers crossed for the next few months, even if it makes it harder to  type...


  1. Jenna, I'm pretty sure you were already too awesome for your own good in college. I think you + energy would have been something along the lines of the whole world exploding, and then chattering like a monkey for a while while its head spun around in circles. So... thank you for sparing us all the pain. And congratulations on your new energy. Use it wisely, my friend.
