
Thursday, June 14, 2012


I know I haven't written in roughly two weeks, but honestly, I don't feel like there's much to update. I'm still pregnant! Yeah. I'm officially in the third trimester now, so I now have appointments every two weeks. I also have a pre-labor anesthesia consultation set up, just in case. Hum.

My mom's visiting teacher made a blessing dress for Pterodactyl. It is cute. My dad wants me to post a picture of it, so I suppose I will. See? Cute.

I am still sick fairly often. I think, though, that my good days are getting better, even if the bad days are still bad. Blorgh.

My belly is getting bigger. It is conceivable that my belly button will pop out in turkey timer fashion within the next week or two.

I finally started a real journal. This may come as a shock to some, but I've been horrible about journaling in the past. I think it's partly because I didn't want posterity to read whatever I wrote. I'm not sure why I felt that.

It's also because I spend a lot of time thinking, so it's impossible to record every thought worth recording. All journal entry attempts from the past have always seemed so... inadequate.

They still feel rather inadequate. However, I think I can at least hold myself to writing down a few lines about the events of the day, because James writes a few lines in his journal every night. (Great reminder, right?) Perhaps posterity will be interested in those few daily lines, though I'm not sure what would be so interesting about the following: "Went to work for a few hours today. Got sick, came home. Slept. Got sick again. Watched The Legend of Korra and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine with James. Then got ready for bed." That was essentially the gist of yesterday's entry.

I'm reasonably confident that this attempt at keeping a regular journal will be successful (despite only failed attempts in the past) because I have finally been able to read scriptures nearly every night for a few months. Or, when I fall asleep early in the day and don't wake up until morning, I make up for missed reading in the morning. So basically, success!

(I've been working on establishing this habit for the better part of the last decade, with limited success. There's been one time before when I was almost as successful as I am now in reading every night. I had prayed for guidance in finding a way to remember to read every night. My answer was to get a plant, and water it only on days when I read my scriptures. I distinctly remember this command popping up in my mind: DON'T KILL THE PLANT. So, I kept Jeffrey the Plant alive for quite a while until I left for Christmas break. I left Jeffrey behind under the care of my home teacher. My home teacher killed the plant. Sad. It was interesting to have that plant though... whenever I saw it wilting, I was shocked to discover my soul was wilting too--I was depressed, overwhelmed, tired, apathetic, etc. And when it was vibrant and alive, well, so was I.)

So yes. Journaling. I bought glue sticks so I could print out blog posts and include them in my journal. This will be the first glue stick entry! Ta-da! Be proud.

Jenna and Pterodactyl

P.S. Introducing print-friendly blog posts! Also ta-daa! :)


  1. how do you make blog posts printer friendly? I have always wanted to do that! Beautiful dress, that is amazing! Can't wait until you have your beautiful little girl!

    1. I used my supreme Google skills and found a widget!
