
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I'm doing better in some ways. I think I'm coming down with some freakish, bizarre (okay, probably pretty run-o'-the-mill) illness. I have a nasty sore, raw throat. Today I am also pretty queasy and lightheaded.

I'm better enough that I can do most activities normally now--most things, that is, except my actual job. (Not even fair.) The building I work in has some air flow/circulation problems. So, as the weather gets warmer... the patient exam rooms become personalized torture chambers. Dr. Austin put in a few fans to blow on me, and that's helped. That solution, however, will not work in his office where he does 60-90 minute consultations... you know, the visits where I am MOST useful.

Even after a long stretch of freedom from nausea, as soon as I am holed up in that office for longer than ten minutes--the lightheadedness, queasiness, and dizziness starts up. This is pretty frustrating. See, I feel well enough to do my job--except when I'm doing my job. How is a girl supposed to make money?!

On the plus side, the scribe-in-training Kellie is starting full-time on Monday, so I definitely don't have to feel like I'm completely letting everyone down every time I call in sick. Also--surprise! The woman who trained me to be a scribe is in Eugene and can fill in for one or two days each week. She is currently in school to become a nurse midwife, but the summer workload is light and she wouldn't mind a few extra dollars. So yeah... I feel more like... a training resource. That's okay. I'm not planning to be working for much longer anyway, right? ... Sigh. I really hope I don't end up feeling uncomfortably useless.

My main dilemma, then, is that I am healthy and well enough to desire an activity to occupy my mind and body... but I'm not quite well enough to do much. Simply put... I'm BORED out of my mind. Take this morning, for instance.

I was too lightheaded to sit up, so I wasn't able to go to work and scribe. I tried to read a book, but I wasn't quite well enough to concentrate on it. There wasn't a computer around, so I couldn't really watch anything. I wasn't quite strong enough to carry a load of laundry to the washing machine. I felt very unwell when sitting up or standing, so cleaning my apartment seemed out of the question. And the list of futile desires continues.

Any suggestions for me should this situation present itself again? I have a feeling it will become a summer motif. I don't think it's doing good things for my mental state, but I'm reasonably confident I haven't fallen into a depressive relapse yet.

Anyway, tomorrow I am going to an acupuncture "evaluation". I mentioned on Facebook that I've decided to try it, since it's not going to cost me a cent (thank you, insurance company... bahaha!). And many of the doctors I've talked to encouraged me to try it. When I bring up the subject, their reaction seems to consist of the following thoughts--"Oh yeah, people do that don't they? I forgot about that. But it's totally safe and many of patients found it helpful. Yeah. And if it doesn't help, no harm done. No risk to you or to the baby! Good idea. You should try it!"

It is my impression that the "evaluation" tomorrow does not involve any actual acupoking. (My brother-in-law calls it acupunking. I liked this made-up word, but decided that acupoking suits my narrative style better.) I think the point is to get a pretty comprehensive picture of your overall health and sit down and explain/develop a treatment plan with you that focuses on your main concerns. I anticipate that I will be fascinated... if not during the evaluation, then during the actual acupoking. I also got the impression that many of you will be interested to see what I write about acupuncture. Yes, I am planning to document the experience on my blog. Hopefully neither you nor I will be disappointed.

My thoughts turn to pants. Here are my thoughts on pants: AARRRGGGGHHHhhhhh! Somebody please explain to me WHY it is unacceptable--even when you're pregnant--to walk around pantsless! Surely it's not that unreasonable... I mean, if it is perfectly acceptable to whip out a boob to feed your baby, why isn't it okay to go to the grocery store ginormous and wearing only a ginormous T-shirt?

Hum. To a more appropriate subject--baby names! We are leaning 80% towards Amelia Rose right now. To be honest, this name just popped in my head like an epiphany a few days ago. I am slightly cautious about glomming onto it so quickly, so I will remain reserved about it for now. I do like the variety of nicknames available--Milly, Amy, Lia, Mia, Mel... Surely one of those is acceptably cool, right? (As a bonus, we get nerd points. That's two of the Doctor's companions right there.)

Pterodactyl does seem to be doing well. She is squirmy, but I'm coming to realize that the majority of her movements are gentle and soft. It is difficult for James to feel her move, because she doesn't often do anything drastic. Sometimes she barrel rolls. That is by FAR the weirdest sensation I've felt yet.

I'll close with a confession. While feeling Pterodactyl squirm is enjoyable, I think my very favoritest part of pregnancy is the lifting of social food rules. It's my dream come true! I am totally ALLOWED to pick at the food before everyone else at social functions. AND I can butt to the front of the line if I want. AND I can call dibs on any precious last bits of food. This, my friends, is the best thing ever.

Love and carrots,
Jenna and Pterodactyl


  1. Going pantsless? Try a mu-mu, muumuu or whatever you call it. Those Hawaiians have the right idea. It is expected to be bright colors and total freedom inside.
