
Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Hey everybody! How's it going? Oh. Okay. If you say so.

Amelia is well... or at least she is today. On Saturday and Sunday she seemed sick. She had a sore throat and cried a lot... and despite seeming super sleepy, she'd wake up super easily. Poor baby. On the plus side, it didn't last very long. I ended up sending James to the store on Sunday to get pain reliever for baby. (Scandalous, I know. But if Mama Bear says go get medicine for baby, you go get that medicine.) After she had a little Tylenol she slept like a rock. Woot!

Turns out though that Amelia is not perfectly well. She has a yeasty diaper rash. Poor baby. The pediatrician's nurse told us to change her diapers as soon as she's wet... for the most part we'd been doing that already, but now I'm making myself wake her up to change her bum. She's not a fan of this new plan. I don't think I am either, but they said it should be all better in three days. I can do this for three days, right?

We now have a baby swing. It was free. People told us to get one that you can plug into the wall, but sadly, the only free swing available was battery-operated. It takes four C batteries. Grody. Oh well. I stocked up on those during my Costco trip today... and besides, Amelia likes it. She is sleeping in it behind me as I type. Happy baby.

So now I come to my big issue.

Believe it or not, I still have some of this stuff called free time. I was under the impression that I would no longer have any of this bizarre byproduct once I gave birth, but I have been mistaken or misinformed. Amelia sleeps a lot. And there are plenty of times when she is sleeping wherein I can do whatever I want. Before Amelia came, I figured I'd sleep during these times, but now that those times actually come, I'm not sleepy.

So... what do I do?

This is a big deal for me. This is the first time where I don't have a personal goal. I'm not vying to complete high school or college. I'm not working outside the home. I... feel almost aimless. Outside of motherhood, I have nothing. And I thought that'd be fine, because I thought my life would be 100% motherhood. It's not.

I've been studying my patriarchal blessing for help, but it's not so helpful. It tells me I have lots of talents and I should use them and develop them and such. That sounds helpful at first, but yesterday I tried to make a list of talents I have. It was difficult.

Don't laugh! It's not that I don't realize that I have lots of talents and skills, it's just that singling them out and putting words to them is hard! And then trying to pick one out that just happens to be something I can work on for 5- to 200-minute portions (with little to no notice) is hard!

Someone suggested that I should blog more. I don't know what else to write about besides my personal life. And my personal life is... well, already plastered all over this here blog. I'm a little spread thin on topics.

Also people tell me I should make the blog into a book or something. That seems... weird to me. I figure I only have 80 readers** on average for each post. And commercializing my writing seems a little unnatural at this point anyway. (Don't try to convince me otherwise! Grrr!)

People say my writing is funny. I promise I'm not trying to be funny, I actually think this way.*

I've also thought of music or something, but I don't have a piano. Maybe there is lonely empty-nester in Springfield with a piano who wouldn't mind frequent visits from Amelia and me. If that's you, you should tell me. Now. We can be best friends, right?

James also wants me to teach myself Serbian. We have some textbooks that I've been reading. I can say your face (твоје лице). And a few other choice phrases.

Help. Suggestions are welcome. I figure an outside view will be very helpful. Again, halp!

Џена и Амилија

*I guess that's not entirely true anymore, although it was when I started. Now I get self-conscious when people don't comment or like my post, and start thinking, Oh my goodness, I must be a failure or something. This post must not have been funny, or something. And then I think, Self, you are ridiculous. You read and enjoy plenty of things without commenting or liking them. And then, Oh. Yeah. You're right, Self. Then: Yes, Self, I know.

**Some posts mysteriously get about 50 more readers. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the promise of scandal in the title? Ooh, I know. I call this post Scandalous and everyone will read it! Maybe. Hey, I even used the word earlier in the post, it's fair...


  1. Oh. Yeah. You're right, Self.
    Yes, Self, I know.
    Jenna I love you <3
    (I think you should take up a NEW hobby. Like doll collecting. Or underwater basket weaving.

  2. Jenna! I love reading your blog and getting updates on your life. I'm sorry you are at a loss of what to do with your free time. I understand that perfectly, though, as I often (all of the time) feel that way. I second Allison's recommendation: perhaps find a new hobby. Learning Serbian could be fun. Or, what I like to do, finding ways to brighten someone's day. Either making someone cookies (you make excellent pies) or something else. Right now I am going through a phase where if I see something that is on sale (read: dirt cheap) and it could be something a friend would like, I buy it and then spend time personalizing it. This may not be something that you want to do, but I'm sure you can find something so you don't feel like you are wasting your time. Perhaps offer to tutor someone? You are super smart.
