
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Feeling Crazy!

You'll be glad to hear that so far, the pregnancy nausea has continued to be quite mild. I keep a stash of Junior Mints and ginger ale and they seem to work just fine. The thing is, though, I still dislike it when people give me advice on how to manage pregnancy nausea. Like, "Oh! Have you tried soda crackers?" And, "Just make sure you have some food right next to your bed you can eat before you get up. You'll be fine!"

Pretty much throughout my pregnancy with Amelia, giving me advice on how to combat nausea was a surefire way to get me grumpy. I saw an e-card meme-type thing on a friend's blog lately that described precisely what I was feeling and thinking every time someone suggested a well-known cure: "Why no, I haven't tried crackers, ginger, small meals, or sipping water. I enjoy morning sickness so much, I thought I would just embrace the whole experience."

The issue with me and nausea so far seems to be mostly the ubernose of pregnancy. Yes, I feel somewhat queasy in the morning since I haven't eaten all night, but that's no biggie. It's the nose. Oh, the cursed nose.

The number one culprit: Amelia.

Pee diapers. Poo diapers. Vomit breath. Sour milk breath. Whatever-she's-been-eating breath. Whatever's all over her hands. A food item she scaled a 10-foot cliff in order to grab and has now thrown in my face for me to open (i.e. banana)... that also happens to smell awful to me. In short, Amelia.

The number two culprit: Any and all food that requires heating.

Quesadillas. Eggs. Chicken nuggets. Even pizza. Popcorn. Anything that James wants to eat. Anything that Amelia wants for lunch.

In the meantime, I am eating ALL the hummus.

Other pregnancy ailments I'm not so happy about... indigestion! Seriously? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... And horrible, horrible, horrible headaches. The worst thing is that Tylenol does nothing, and caffeine helps a little bit. Unfortunately, the caffeine also makes the indigestion and heartburn worse. Is there no "just right" sweet spot? Augh.

I'm still feeling super silly. Actually, no, I think it's gone past feeling merely silly and into feeling just downright crazy. I still can't get the twins thought out of my head. I'm tempted to call the midwives and beg for an early ultrasound because it's bothering me so much. I'm almost at 6 weeks, so the baby/babies should just barely be visible now.

Mentally, the idea that I'm just absolutely nuts is bothering me WAY more than the idea that it IS twins. I don't like being crazy. Like, at all. I think I'm more tempted to get the ultrasound to see if I'm crazy or not rather than to find out how many babies there are.

I made the stupid mistake of turning to Google to convince myself that in all likelihood, it isn't twins.

Boy, was THAT a mistake.

Lo, and behold, I run across a study that found that the twin rate amongst women who conceive while breastfeeding is 11.4% versus 1.1% in the general population. I couldn't actually look at anything besides the abstract on PubMed, but it makes sense to me given what I know about fertility, so I am inclined to trust that, to some degree at least, breastfeeding does in fact increase the chances of twins.

Also Google informs me that feeling like you are pregnant with twins is actually somewhat predictive of actually being pregnant with twins.



Moral of the story: Don't Google it.

Love and respect to our Google overlords,
Jenna and Baby Delta

... and possibly Baby Epsilon. Possibly.


I'm crazy.

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