
Friday, September 23, 2011

I Like Breezes

Today I like good weather. Today it was about 70° with a slight breeze... I laid down a blanket on the grass during my lunch break and had a glorious nap. Although... my coworkers are starting to make fun of me, because I'm either working, eating, or sleeping whenever they see me.

I also think my husband is very nice to me. He is being very patient with me and my pain disorder. Sometimes when he touches me (even lightly on my shoulder or somewhere) I interpret it as pain, when it doesn't really hurt. What I think is happening is that I've gotten so used to everything being painful that when I encounter a new stimulus, my brain automatically says, "Ouch! This hurts!" ... when really, it was just my husband lightly putting his hand on my shoulder.

...I promise that actually makes sense. So we've decided to try something new. Here's the thing: when I actually take the time to think about it, I realize, "Oh. That didn't actually hurt." But by the time I actually think this, I've already exclaimed in pain and recoiled away. So, James and I are going to try to reprogram my brain. Dangerous, I know.

It'll go something like this:
James: Touch touch! Hee hee!
My brain: Gasp! Ouch!
James: Your husband is touching you! This feels good!
My brain: ...Eh?
James: Feels goooood...
My brain: ... Oh. ... Really? ... Wat.
James: Yes. Feels goooooood...
My brain: Oh. Huh. This does kind of feel good, doesn't it?
James: Touch touch! Hee hee!

In other news, the white cat with one blue and one green eye turned out to be a man cat--and he had already been neutered. Which, I suppose this is why we didn't know he was a he... you know, what with all his man cat organs removed and such. Anyway, he also had a chip! And it turns out he is a rare and expensive breed... a Turkish Angora, which is the most active breed of cat EVER. They are so active that they are sometimes called the "dog cat". This guy is definitely NOT sedimentary, and lurves hanging out with peeps.

So. Once upon a time, he was a kitten and lived in a happy family. This happy family bought him for bucketloads of money and handfed him with a bottle. Then that happy family had a baby. Then they gave him to a man with Parkinson's disease as a treatment cat. Then that guy died. Then that guy's family dumped him onto the street. Lame. Then my neighbor and I found him! Turns out his original-original family still can't take him home... and we can't keep him because we're not allowed to have cats. Ugh. Dilemma! In better news, he is currently on medicines for mange and ear mites and lots of other bad things. We also got him lots of vaccines. And we tested him for leukemia (there is apparently a berjillion kitties getting leukemia around here... who knew?). He is becoming a happier cat as we speak.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you should name him- part of the name should include "Mr. Pussy Pants", He could be Mr. Pussy Pants the III, Mr pussy pants the rover, mr. pussy pants the strange, or something like that.
